Namche Luxury Soft Trek- 07 Days

Namche Luxury Soft Trek- 07 Days

Yeti Mountain Home is a group of comfort lodges situated on a world famous trekking route in the Khumbu/Everest region of Nepal. It provides indulgent comfort, high quality cuisine and a very warm Sherpa hospitality to weary trekkers.

Situated in stunning positions amongst the world’s highest mountains and reachable by wonderful trekking trails the six YMH Lodges offers modern creature comforts in the rich, lustrous decor of traditional Sherpa design. Each lodge has 11 – 20 spacious but cosy rooms with private facilities.

YMH will make your Everest trek a truly unforgettable experience – in the best possible way. All built using sustainable technologies, employing local people, growing our own vegetables and with the depth and generosity of a warm Sherpa welcome, Yeti Mountain Home luxury lodges offer an incredible experience in the high Himalaya.

Day 1: Flight to Lukla (2850m/9317ft) & trek to Phakding (2610m/ 8562ft) 3 hours trekking

We make an early start to take a spectacular, short mountain flight to Lukla, the start point for our trek. Watch out for the Langtang and Jugal ranges then the Rolwaling Himal, Gaurisankar and Menlumtse before getting your first glimpse of Everest on the flight. We’ll spend a few minutes sorting out bags etc before setting off through this winding village to the trek start proper at the Khumbu ‘gateway’. It’s gently downhill on pitched stone trails through low rhododendron forest, small ‘garden’ farms and old and new hamlets to the banks of the foaming Dudh Koshi river. There will be plenty of short stops to meet the locals, take photographs and just soak up the scenery and the clear mountain air as we meander along, the undulating trail glimpsing views of 6000m snow-capped peaks high above. Passing the enormous mani stone at Thado Kosi we meander up through the many chortens and prayer wheels of Sano and along to our destination of YMH Phakding in time for a late lunch. The afternoon is free to rest in the riverside gardens or sun lounge. For those who wish to we’ll make a short trip up to the higher village and delightful tiny gompa perched on the valley side.  Gather again for pre-dinner drinks round the fire followed by evening meal.
Overnight at YMH Phakding

Day 2: Trek to Monjo (2835m/9301ft) 3 hours trekking

Yeti Mountain Home Monjo – YMH Monjo

After breakfast we trek to the village of Monjo. The gently undulating trail follows the right bank of the Dudh Koshi through Phakding village before the first of several river crossings today on wire suspension bridges.  Continuing through pine forest and small villages we come to a break in the trees to catch sight of the mighty Thamserku (6623m) towering way above.  A couple more hours of woodland trails and swaying bridges brings us to the small village of Monjo. Our lodge for the night is located above the village with spectacular views of Thamserku and KusumKangri. After lunch at lodge there’s an opportunity to explore the side valleys and villages with your guide. Dinner is also included.
Overnight at YMH – Monjo

Day 3: Trek to Namche (3440m/11,286ft) 5 hours’ trekking
A short walk from our lodge brings us to the gateway to the Sagamartha National Park. We stop to have a look at the interesting 3D map and information boards whilst our guide sorts out our permits and entry. From here we’ve another 40 minutes or so along the sides of the Dudh Khosi before crossing the Bhote Khosi, raging in form a side valley, and beginning our climb to the Sherpa capital of Namche Bazaar. The trail zig-zags up away from the river, gradually ascending to the tree line opening out into a high mountain bowl and the vibrant village of Namche. We pass through the many tiny shops and colourful stalls picking our way slowly up hand cut stone steps to our wonderful Yeti Mountain Home Lodge. This is our first night above 3000m so it’s important to take it easy and let your body adjust. Relax with a tea or coffee and maybe even take a massage in our spa. Dinner at the lodge.
Overnight at YMH – Namche

Day 4: Namche Excursion
Today we’ll take a gentle walk to gain a little height and then have the afternoon free to explore the shops and cafes of this delightful little town.

Stupa at Namche Bazaar

Your guide will take you to a couple of wonderful viewpoints to see the ‘rockstars’ of the mountain world spread out before you: Lhotse, Nuptse, Everest, Ama Dablam… they ring the deep valley sides in a magnificent arena. You should also be able to see the monastery at Tengboche and the trails to Everest. If you’re feeling energised we’ll continue on to the delightful villages of Kumjung and Kunde with their health post and school both started by the Sir Edmund Hilary Fund.

After lunch you are free to head down to the Namche market to browse the shops, chat to the locals and maybe pick up a souvenir or two. You may also see the Tibetan traders who make a yearly journey over the high passes from the Tibetan plateau with their yaks laden with goods to sell at the markets. Late in the afternoon there’s an option to visit Namche Monastery. The monastery is about 80 years old and has beautiful Thanka paintings of Tibetan deities. You are most welcome to burn a butter lamp for your loved ones. Dinner at the lodge.
Overnight at YMH – Namche

Day 5: Trek to Phakding (2610m/ 8562ft) 5 to 6 hours trekking
We might choose to spend a little more time around this lovely town, and then it’s time to turn away from the mountains and re-trace our steps down the winding forest trails to the lush greenery of the valley bottom.  Look out for Danfe, our stunning national bird – a very colourful type of pheasant, sometimes found searching for food on the forest floor. And of course don’t forget to look around and enjoy the views from this new and very different perspective. We stop for lunch at Monjo lodge after which we proceed further to Phakding. Dinner at the lodge.
Overnight at YMH Phakding

Day 6: Trek to Lukla (2850m/9317f) 3 hours trekking

Yeti Mountain Home Lukla Lodge – YMH Lukla

Our last day trekking, with a bit of a sting in the tail! It’s around three hour walk to Lukla, with the last hour or regaining 200m+ height – it’s uphill. On the way we’ll have some drink stops and a chance to visit Chaurikharka High School and Kyongma Monastery.  On reaching Lukla we could take a quick stop for a congratulatory group photo at the ‘gateway’ arch then we’ll check-in to our lodge for lunch and a rest. The afternoon is free to explore – you may like to visit the Pasang Lhamu Foundation hospital or potter up to some nearby hamlets. We celebrate our success on the trail with a final. This is also a good time to give your gratitude to your porter and trekking crew for their wonderful support and to bid them farewell. Dinner at the hotel in included.

Overnight at YMH – Lukla

Day 7: Flight to Kathmandu (1300m/4265f) 35min Flight.
Wave goodbye to the Himalaya on a short, but spectacular flight back to Kathmandu!

Piratical Information

In Case of Flight Cancellation

Please be aware that flying into mountains with unpredictable weather conditions can sometimes lead to flight delays or changes. Our agents always endeavor to make sure you reach your destination on time and will re-arrange your ticket to the next available flight. When encountering severe delays this may mean changing the trek itinerary or your international flights.

If Kathmandu to Lukla flight is postponed:

In case of flight delays to Lukla, we will wait till the airlines cancel the flight. If the flight got cancelled, we will endeavour to accommodate you in Kathmandu until we have a confirmed flight for you.  We will adjust the itinerary based on the availability to ensure you get as much time as possible in the mountains. Please note that full cancellation will be charged for the day for accommodation in Yeti Mountain Home and guide & porter. Your arrangements in Kathmandu have to be covered by yourself.

If Lukla to Kathmandu flight is postponed:

Incase that the flight from Lukla to Kathmandu is cancelled you will be asked to cover the additional YMH lodge costs in Lukla.

If flights cannot operate due to extreme bad weather:

In  extreme conditions the regular flights cannot operate. In such cases, Yeti Mountain Home can assist you by providing a helicopter service. You will be asked to pay this extra cost (less the regular flight ticket price) You may wish to place a claim for this with your insurance company on return to your home country.

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