Gurung Heritage Trail

Gurung Heritage Trail

Trip Hightlights
Explore the Ghalegaon to observe the culture, tradition and their living style
Visit the Largest gurung village Bhujung (1625m) to observe different tribe
Glimpse of super Mountain View, Mt. Dhaulagiri, Mt. Annapurna ranges, Mt. Manaslu ranges, LamjungHimal and many more mountains
Explore the Ghanpokhara village, known as capital of Gurung culture
Excellent landscape, low land vegetation, farm lands and diverse flora and fauna
Best combination of Manaslu and Annapurna mountain range
Friendly Gurung people and their hospitality and many more

Gurung Heritage Trail

Gurung heritage trail trek offers Gurung culture and glimpse into traditional hill country life, where little known ethnic people other than Gurungs are found. The trekkers has a opportunely to spend overnight at homestay with Gurung family in typical old house and unique lifestyle

Gurung Heritage Trail is newly explored trekking routes in the lower part of Annapurna region. This trek, you will have a great opportunity to Gurung lifestyle and culture. This trek is popular for short period to explore wonderful Gurung Culture, natural scenery with the fantastic and superb views of Mt. Dhaulagiri, Mt. Annapurna ranges, Mt. Manaslu ranges, Lamjung Himal and many more mountains.

You will also explore the densely populated Gurung villages, terraced filled in the hillside, gigantic forests along the route, the natural beauty, flora and fauna so as the varieties of lifestyles, culture and traditions of different ethnic groups living in the Himalayan range and hill belt. The unique blending of beautiful landscapes is in between two beautiful rivers Marshyandi River in the east and Madi River in the south and west. Within the boundary of two beautiful rivers, the area comprises other small river valleys like Khudi river valley, Midim river valley and Rudi river valley which have a number of side tributaries. In every village visited has a mother’s group (Ama Samuha). The mothers are active, enthusiastic and dedicated in the developmental of the villages, hospitality, environmental protection, cultural programs, income-generating programs and conflict management in the family and society.

Local Gurung women ( Aama Samuha)

This trekking begins from Pokhara, the second largest touristic destination of Nepal, where one can reach by direct flight or by bus from Kathmandu. The trek begins from Bijayapur and head to Kalikasthan continue to Ghumti Bazar, Mijuri Dada, Pakharikot, Bagar, Pas Gaun, Bhujung, Ghale Gaun and Besisahar. In the trail, we explore the places, the jungles, the scenes of the Rocky Mountains along the Annapurna massif and Manaslu with its natural diversities of the gigantic forest.

Day 01: Drive from Pokhara to Bijayapur (Approx 1 hr drive) and trek to Kalikasthan (1,370m/4,496ft) – 4 to 5 hrs walk.
Today, after breakfast we drive to Bijayapur Khola to begin our trek. Initially we start our walk for about an hour through flat paddy fields and cross the river. The path is wide and the terrain is easy. After crossing the river the trail starts to ascend to Kalikasthan. Lunch will be served midway through the climb. After arriving at Kalikasthan, we rest for some time then explore the surrounding areas. We spend overnight at Kalikasthan.
(Breakfast, lunch, dinner & overnight at Home stay)

Day 02: Kalikasthan to Ghumti Bazar (6,30m/2,066ft) 4 hours
After breakfast, we will start our day drive up to to Ghumti Bazar by local vehicle which is approx 30 mins drive (road are muddy with lot of dust and not pitched through tropical forest) Reaching at Ghumti Bazar , you will walk in a gradual walk with the superb views of Annapurna ranges, Manaslu ranges, Begnas Lake and many more landscapes. Then after, you will walk on the ridge of the hill with the superb views of mountains and landscapes and descend to Ghumti Bazar. On the way to Ghumti Bazar, you will explore different ethnic and communities group on the trail.
(Breakfast, lunch, dinner & overnight at Home stay)

Day 03: Ghumti Bazar to Pakhrikot (1,305m/4,280ft) 4 hours
After breakfast, you will cross the Swing Bridge over Madi River and head to Gahate of 30 minutes’ walk. Now, you need to climb up through the Tropical forest till Mijuri Dada of about 2 hours walking with zigzag trails. In the jungle, you can see different species of birds and other reptiles. From the Mijuri dada, the trail is gradual steep but not so difficult. From the top of Mijuri dada, you can see the superb view of Mt. Manaslu, Ngadi Chuli, Himalchuli and Boudha Himal. Overnight at Pakhrikot. Enjoy the sunset in the evening.
(Breakfast, lunch, dinner & overnight at Home stay)

Day 03: Pakhrikot to Rudi Khola (Bagicha) (780m/2,558ft) 4 hours
Today, we will have little bit difficult day for the walking with descending and ascending. From Pakhrikot, the trails descend down till Pakhrikot Khola cross the swing bridge which takes about 30 minutes from the Pakhrikot through the terraced cultivated lands. From Pakhrikot Khola, one needs to climb up till Singdi Dada of 1 hour through the terraced cultivated lands, patches of forest and river valley. About 15 minutes gradual walk, we descend down till Rudi Khola of 1 hour. With gradual walk, we will stop at Bagicha for the tonight of about 15 minutes. You will no more mountain view today.
(Breakfast, lunch, dinner & overnight at Home stay)

Day 04: Rudi Khola to Pasgaun (1,636m/5,366ft) 4 hours

Pasgaun Gurung Heritage Trail

Today is also the hard day for you. After the breakfast, we head to Pasgaun along the straight and leveled steep trail. In about 4 hours, you will be in Pasgaun a beautiful village of Lamjung District. This village has retained its traditional feel, evident in its architecture (e.g. slant-roofed houses), culture, and food. The visitor can observe the unique mount up of stones of various size and shape forming different metaphors. This area can be developed as stone park/garden. Enjoy sunset in the evening.
(Breakfast, lunch, dinner & overnight at Home stay)

Day 05: Pasgaun to Bhujung (1,960m/6,428ft) 5 hours

Local people plugging the field at Bhujung Village

After breakfast, we will head to Khumeru Danda (2,200m/7,216ft) of about 2 hours along the dense sub-tropical forest. From the Khumeru Dada, you can view the massif views of Mt. Manaslu, Ngagi Chuli, Himal Chuli, Boudha Himal and Bhujung Village. From the top, you need to descend down till Midim River of 2 hours walking. You can enjoy seeing the mini hydro power at the Midim Khola. From the Midim Khola, we need to climb up of about 30 minutes. Bhujung contains the largest Gurung population in the area, with over 400 households that pride themselves on their rich cultural heritage. They have even generated their own electricity supply and are considered pioneers in conservation and development in the area.
(Breakfast, lunch, dinner & overnight at Home stay)

Day 06: Bhujung to Ghalegaun (2,095m/6,871ft) 4 hours
After breakfast, we will hike to Ghalegaun as we ascend up of gradual steep of 30 minutes. After this trail, we will have an opportunity to see super views of Lamjung Himal, Annapurna II and top of Machhapurchre. On the way to Ghale gaun, you will also see hills of 13 districts with Midim Khola view along with the good views of Mt. Manaslu, Ngadi Chuli, Himalchuli, Boudha Himal, Annapurna II and Lamjung Himal . Arrive Ghalegaun, we will stay overnight and the evening we will also enjoy sunset view from there.
(Breakfast, lunch, dinner & overnight at Home stay)

Day 07: Ghalegaun to Baglungpani (1,250m/4,100ft) 4 hrs
Early in the morning, we will have opportunity to enjoy sunrise. After the breakfast, we descend down to Baglunpani; which provides best opportunity to see the best scene of Lamjung Himal, Annapurna II and Manaslu Himal range from the lower elevation.
(Breakfast, lunch, dinner & overnight at Home stay)

Day 08: Baglungpani to Besisahar (816m/2,676ft) 3hrs
We descend down to Besisahar with the massive views of Lamjung Himal, Mt. Manaslu, Ngadi Chuli, Himalchuli and Boudha Himal. Overnight at Besisahar and ready for drive back to Kathmandu
(Breakfast, lunch, dinner & overnight at local lodge )

Note: Accommodation & meals during Gurung Heritage Trail

There are several homestays over Gurung heritage trail where you can get basic accommodation. Room will provide you a room with 2 beds, blanket, mattress, and pillow. Meals during this trip, you can get delicious local food made out of locally harvested products. You may also try to their local drink.

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