Cultural Tours in Nepal

Cultural Tours in Nepal 

There are few other places in the world with such a harmonious blend of cultures as Nepal. Take a cultural tour in the Kathmandu Valley to discover about the Newari founders, or take an ox cart village tour in the Terai region to truly discover Nepal’s fascinating mix of cultures.

Nepal’s convenient weather, fertile soil, and natural setting were the lucrative position for many emperors and tribes to settle in the history. Various, mighty, dynasties ruled Nepal throughout the episodes of the history, bringing many cultural and religious perspectives to this tiny land.

Respective to geography and religion, Nepal’s cultural environment is as diverse as its natural settings. However, Nepal – now – is a federal democratic republic country that cocoons 101 ethnicities and protects every religion beliefs and practices. Nepal is divided into three layers, according to its geographical settings – Himalayan region, Mid-hills, and Terai region (flat land). Himalayan region is the home of legendary Sherpas, who are renowned for climbing mountain Everest. One of the first mountaineers (two) to climb Mt. Everest is Tenzing Norgay Sherpa. Sherpas follow Tibetan Buddhism, the “ancient school” by religion, friendly in nature and share part of a culture of Tibet. Trek to the northern-most region of Nepal to see the rich mix of culture and lifestyle.

Mid-hills of Nepal are populated by many hill tribes of Nepal like Gurung, Magar, Rai, Limbu, Tamang, Chettris, Brahmins, Newars, etc. Before the unification of the modern Nepal, Gurung, Rai, Magar, Tamang had their independent countries, and still have their independent culture; manner of practicing religion, language, cuisine, music and dance, and their architectural settlement is distinct to each other. Newars, being indigenous the Kathmandu Valley, are rich in metal works, arts, crafts, and building castles and temples. Chettries (Khas) and Brahmins are Hindus by religions and historians state they are ancient settlers of Karnali region of Nepal. They have carried their cultural values – with them – wherever they settled.

Terai is the home of Tharu tribes, and of Madhesis. They have distinctive cultures and lifestyle, though their social life is influenced by Aryan culture and Hindu religion. The tradition, custom, art & pottery, and language resemble the ancient Aryan culture and civilization. Being a hot province of Nepal, people of Terai region wear light, cotton, clothes, but, yet, works hard during the day time.

If you need more detail of this trip, please contact me at or you can call me at 00977 98510 24915. I will be more than happy to assist any kind of  your trip to Nepal ( accommodations, tours, trek, domestic tickets, transportation, etc) 

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