Tamang Heritage Trek

Tamang Heritage Trek-07 Days

On this moderate seven-day trek just North of Kathmandu Valley in Nepal, get up close with the Tamang people while trekking amid green valleys and snow-capped mountains. The Tamang Heritage trail has the added benefit of providing sustainable economic benefit to the local community.

Experience a cultural trek in which you can learn about one of Nepal’s Tibetan-influenced hill tribes, and directly contribute to their rural economy
Luxuriate in the hot spring waters at Tatopani
Stay in a local homestay in Briddim, to learn more about the Tamang people and their way of life
Enjoy spectacular views of Ganesh Himal, the Langtang Himalayas, and the Gosainkund range

Little kids in local dress helping their parents collecting wood Tamang Heritage Trail

The ‘Tamang Heritage Trail’ is one of the exciting new trekking routes, located between Langtang and the Ganesh Himal. A culturally rich region steeped in Tibetan tradition, and one of the most humble inhabitants of the greater northern Nepal, Tamang are popular for their hospitable and friendly behavior.

Within easy access of Kathmandu, The Tamang Heritage Trail leads you to the old trade route between Nepal and Tibet at Rasuwa Gadhi. Many of the settlements on the trail consist of ethnic villages, therefore, modern lodges are rarely found in the region. Tamang Heritage Trek is a relatively gentle circuit trek through picturesque villages, terraced fields and peaceful valleys, where only the most discerning trekkers go.

Enroute, we enjoy panoramic mountain views of the nearby peaks and soak in the natural hot springs at Tatopani. Continuing north towards Tibet, we soak up the heritage and appreciate a local fort, monastery, and the exquisite local architecture of the Tamang homes. As we near the end of the trek we enjoy a homestay experience in Briddim, and have a full day to relax and discover more about the local traditions of this wonderful region.

The trek to Tamang Heritage Trail at the one hand is full of encounter with verdant nature and on the other hand it is beyond the touch of modern material quest. In this sense, the trek will be more eco-friendly.

Brief Itinerary
Day 01: Kathmandu to Syabrubesi [1460m]
Day 02: Syabru besi trek to Gatlang [2238m]
Day 03: Gatlang trek to Tatopani [2380m]
Day 04: Tatopani trek to Thuman [2238m]
Day 05: Thuman trek to Briddim [2239m]
Day 06: Briddim trek to Syabrubesi
Day 07: to Kathmandu

Detailed itinerary

Day 01: Kathmandu to Syabrubesi [1460m]
We have an early departure for the 7 hour drive to our starting point at the foot of the Langtang Valley. The road takes a spectacular route, climbing high over the ridges to escape the Kathmandu Valley and providing us with a superb panorama of the Himalaya, including the Annapurnas, Manaslu, Ganesh Himal and the peaks of the Langtang region that we will soon become better acquainted with. We then plunge down into the Trisuli River valley which we follow for most of the day’s drive.

Day 02: Syabru besi trek to Gatlang [2238m] – Approx 5 ½ hours walking

Children at Gatlang, Tamang Heritage Trail

Following a high trail, we pass through terraces and bamboo massifs. We cross Syarpagaon to continue through a fine forest, alive with birds and the occasional troupe of monkeys to Gatlang. Gatlang is set high on a hillside among terraced fields is a Tamang settlement. One can visit a Tamang monastery and beautiful Parvatikunda Lake at Gatlang.

Day 03: Gatlang trek to Tatopani [2380m] – Approx 7 hrs walking

Tamang family at Tatopani -Tamang Heritage Trek

Today’s walk begins by descending to Thangbuchet (near Chilime village) by a lovely khola (river), where we stop for lunch. After lunch the trail will take us up again, first crossing a hanging bridge and climbing to Tatopani which literally means ‘hot water’. Here we can enjoy the natural hot springs nestled in the lap of the mountains. Locals believe that the waters have a healing quality that eases away your aches and pains.

Day 04: Tatopani trek to Thuman [2238m] – About 4 hrs walking

View of Thuman village in Nepal

The trail ascends to Nagthali Danda (3300m), a high, open grassland with amazing views of snow covered Himalayas. We stop part way up for lunch at the delightful Brimdang village. After lunch our trek continues ascending up to Nagthali Danda and once there we can enjoy the view accompanied by some tea prepared by the caretaker of the Gompa there. We then continue down to Thuman, a Tibetan influenced Tamang village with friendly people who love to sing and dance!

Day 05: Thuman trek to Briddim [2239m] – Approx 5 hours walking

Mountain View from Briddim Village

Today our trail begins with a flatter section in the beginning and then descends to Timure on our way along the old trade route to Tibet and we stop here for lunch. Rasuwaghadi, an ancient fort on the Nepal- Tibet boarder, is just 3 hours walk from Timure. After lunch our trail continues to Briddim, another Tibetan influenced Tamang village where we stay in a local home for a truly unique experience. All accommodation, lodgings and food are offered at local houses on a rotational basis.

Day 06: Briddim trek to Syabrubesi – About 3 hrs walking
After a last hearty breakfast on the trail, our trek descends down to Syabrubesi which is just 3 hours walk from Briddim. Lunch and rest of the day is free to explore and relax!

Day 07: Drive back to Kathmandu
It is a pleasant drive back to Kathmandu with splendid views of hills, mountains, terraces and villages. You drive along the unpaved road until Betrawati where you will begin to follow a narrow, but well paved road.

Meals and accommodation during Tamang Heriate Trail

Typical homestay house in Briddhim

Most accommodation on the Tamang Heritage Trail will be in small local teahouses, which provide a warm comfortable bed and healthy, filling food. In Briddim, stay at a local homestay, which will also offer comfortable standards but may be a bit more basic.

Meals during the trek at Tamang Heriate Trail

Food along the Tamang Heritage Trail is much like it is elsewhere in Nepal, with a heavy reliance on rice, lentils and vegetable curries. Momos in this area tend to be a bit different from what you may have tried in Kathmandu. Instead of small, bite-size dumplings, momos here are larger pies that look more like Latin American empanadas, or British pasties. Also, try dhendo, a staple and alternative to rice in many villages of Nepal—cooked maize flour that is mashed up, looking somewhat like refried beans (though tasting quite different!)

Best season for Tamang Heritage Trail
As in most places in Nepal, the best seasons to do the Tamang Heritage Trail are spring (March-May) and autumn (September-November). Because the altitudes on this trek aren’t especially high, it is also a comfortable trek for the winter, and views are likely to be good at this time. Just bring some warm layers.

Getting to Tamang Heritage Trail
The only way to reach the start of this trek is to travel overland from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi. Crowded public buses ply the route daily, but take much longer than they need to because they stop frequently to pick up people (and deliveries) along the way. Alternatively, buses also travel daily Dhunche, a few kilometers before Syabrubesi, from where you can make a private or public connection the rest of the way. A private four-wheel drive is much more comfortable, however.

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