Helambu Trek

Helambu Trek – A perfect short trek in Langtang Region

Helambu is a small valley around 80 km away from Kathmandu. The Helambu valley is famous for its short trek among the tourists. Passing through the Langtang National Park, you get to witness the views of the great mountains and the exotic biodiversity protected with collective efforts from the government and the locals.

Helambu Trek is the rich cultural heritage and hospitality of the Sherpa people who inhabit in the Helambu region. Himalayan ranges like Mt Langtang, Gaurishanker and so many other small snow covered peaks are just situated north of Helambu. Inhabitants of mostly Sherpa community, temperate forests, brilliant displays of rhododendron and primal blooms, flora & fauna, colorful dancing festivals such as Tibetan New Year are some of the highlights of this region. This is one of the effortless trekking that is possible to trek throughout the year.

Buddhist Stupa – Helambu Trek

Helambu trek begins from Sundarijal from an elevation of 1350 meters and ends in Melamchi pull Bazaar (850 meters) which goes up to a maximum altitude of 3597 meters at Tharepati village. The amazing countryside is full of Buddhist monasteries, pilgrimage and delicious apples. The apples, gorgeous Helambu girls and its monasteries have enhanced Helambu a trekkers’ paradise. There are plenty of teahouse accommodations along the route. The trail leading to Chisopani starts with the tangible steps alongside the pipeline that brings drinking water to Kathmandu. The trail leaves the pipeline near the dam and reaches Mulkharka, which is 600 meters above Sundarijal. The trail climbs further to Chisopani, (2300 meters) from Mulkharka which offers amazing Himalayan views across the valley. Gradually the trail runs down to Paati Bhanjyang (1770 meters). Again from Chip ling (2170 meters) the trail climbs up to a pass at an altitude of 2470 meters before descending to Thodang Betini (2250 meters) forested ridge, the trail descends to a Tamang village of Gul Bhanjyang, a hill village at an altitude of 2140 meters.

Group of Local people walking during the festival in the mountains, Helambu Trek

This Helambu Trek is ideal for those people who don’t have much time in Nepal or would like to make it before commencing adventurous or alpine type of trekking such as 3 Cols, Upper Dolpo etc. It is a 7-10 days trek which starts in Kathmandu itself, but can be concluded as short as 5–6 days. The regular trailhead starts off at Sundarijal and goes via Chisopani, Yolmo, Kutumsang, Magin Goth, Tharepati, Melamchi gaun and Tarkeghyang. Walking through the mind blowing villages such as Gul bhanjyang (2620M) and descending a little to reach Kutumsang village at an altitude of 2470 meters where you will have to show your National park Permits at a Government Check Post.

Helambu Trek is that the area is less crowded & free from noise and air pollution. Many trekkers come down from Gosainkunda Pass or across the Ganja-La pass from Kyanjin Gompa and Panch Pokhari area to take advantage of short overland journey to get back to Kathmandu via Helambu Route.

Best Time to visit Helambu Trek
Even though the best time for Helambu trek is the seasons Spring and Autumn, you can still trek in Winter and Summer. All these seasons have something unique to offer. Autumn and Spring season have the most favorable temperature and weather conditions for trekking in the Helambu region. During this season, you will get to walk in the crisp surrounding with the best views. Whereas, Summer and Monsoon season has the unstable climatic conditions with extreme temperatures. So, you may face some difficulties during the trek. But if you prepare well, pack appropriately, and come physically and mentally prepared then the trek is doable during these off-seasons as well.

Brief Itinerary

Day 01: Drive Kathmandu to Sundarijal (1350m) and start trek to Chisopani (2140m).
Day 02: Trek from Chisopani to Gul bhanjyang (2140 m)
Day 03: Trek from Gul bhanjyang to Tharepati (3597m)
Day 04: Trek from Tharepati to Melamchi Gaon (2640m)
Day 05: Trek from Melamchi Gaon to Tarkeghyang (2560m)
Day 06: Trek from Tarkeghyang to Sermathang (2621m)
Day 07: Trek from Sermathang to Melamchi bazaar (850m) and drive to Kathmandu

Day 01: Drive from Kathmandu to Sundarijal (1350m) and trek to Chisopani (2140m)

Walking to Chisapani from Sundarijal

After an hour’s drive, we reach to Sundarijal (1350m), starting point of our trekking. From Sundarijal, we start our trek to Chisopani (2300m). Our trek begins along a small hydroelectric plant. The trail then ascends up besides the water pipes which supplies Kathmandu drinking water, the trail will go through the Shivapuri Watershed and Wildlife Reserve. The first settlement we come across is Mulkharka mostly inhabited by the Tamang people. The trail continues with climbing on the forest of rhododendron and oaks after pass the Borlang Bhanjyang trail goes downhill to Chisopani (2140m), The mountain views are excellent from here, we can see the views of Annapurna to Everest, overnight at lodge.

Day 02: Trek from Chisopani to Gul Bhanjyang (2140 M)

Today, the trail runs out of the villages and continues level among pine plantation before arrive Paati Bhanjyang a lovely small village. From here the trail goes through small chortens, fields and forest mostly up and down hill before arriving Gul Bhanjyang (2140m), overnight in lodge.

Day 03: Trek from Gulbhanjyang to Tharepati (3597m)

Sheep at Tharepati-Helambu Trek

Today the trail steadily climbs up above Kutumsang through prickly leaved oak forest with excellent views of the mountains and the Helambu valley. Our trail passes through fir and rhododendron forest where there are no permanent settlements. Following a ridge line, the trail continues via lightly populated forest to Magen Goth from where we can view the stunning peak of Langtang and Gosainkunda. Above Magin Goth, the trail climbs steeply through dense pine forest passing several chortens and ruined huts to reach Tharepati. From Tharepati we have excellent close up views of Gosainkunda and surrounding high mountains. Overnight at lodge.

Day 04: Trek from Tharepati to Melamchi Gaon (2640m)

A short, steep descent through mixed fir and rhododendron forest rich with bird life. Crashing waterfalls sound from the rocky gullies below as you approach Melamchi Gaon. Overnight in lodge

Day 05: Trek from Melamchi Gaon to Tarkeghyang (2560m)

Today we head for Tarkeghyang. During an early part of the trek, the trail descends until we cross the Melamchi Khola., where we can have a well earned dip in the crystal- clear river before completing the short and mild ascent up the other side of the valley. Then we trek up to Tarkeghyang passing through Sherpa settlements. Enjoy the Himalayan peaks offer appear before you glistening in the sunshine. Discover the village and its monastery which is one of the oldest and biggest monasteries in the region. The village is more popularly known as Helambu, since most of the inhabitants belong to the Helmu caste. Tarkeghyang boasts an 18th century Gompa with huge brass prayer wheel. Overnight in lodge

Day 06: Trek from Tarkegyang to Sermathang (2621m)

A flat pleasant walk through the beautiful forest takes us to Sermathang since we do not gain altitude that much today. This is an entering Sherpa village and they will be happy to introduce themselves that they are different from the Sherpa of Khumbu (Everest region). The trail makes a sweep around the wide valley end between Para chin and the Sherpa village of Gangyul.  From Gangyul, we arrive at Sermathang. Discover the village. There is also a Buddhist monastery at the highest point of the village.

Day 07: Trek from Shermathang to Melamchi Bazaar (828m) And Drive To Kathmandu

Today is our final day of trek. The trail gradually descends all the way to Melamchi Pull Bazaar through meadows and cultivated fields. The village is mostly inhabited by the Sherpa, but there are also people of other ethnicities.  On the way, we come across several old villages. With the spectacular Mountain View, we will get to interact with local and friendly people. Drive back to Kathmandu. Overnight in Kathmandu hotel.

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